Friday 11 February 2011

Starting A Business And Having The Confidence To Take That Next Step

Many people have the desire to start their own business, however a huge number of those people do not have the confidence to actually go out there and do it!

All the top businessmen in the UK have made their millions because they had the confidence, the belief and the right mental attitude to make their business a success. For many of them, starting their first business was not a a case of 'should I or shouldn't I', it was more of an 'ah well, lets just do it', and it was just a small stepping stone on the way to the top. The first jump into starting your own business doesn't have to be made in to a big deal, if you don't put to much pressure on yourself when starting, just make sure you plan it out to perfection then everything else should run smoothly.

I recently met a woman at a conference, I was a guest speaker, she said 'You are appealing to young people about starting a business but what about someone my age over 40, I've always wanted to run my own business but have never had the belief in myself to go out and do it'. My response was that there is no reason she shouldn't be confident in her own ability, she the only person who knows if she has the business acumen, the knowledge and the desire to go out and start a business. If she has those three key aspects she should have the confidence, if she does not believe she has those three aspects then she shouldn't be starting a business. Believe in yourself, believe you can make your business a success and go for it.

Duncan Bannatyne is one of the most successful and well known entrepreneurs in the country, he is one of my biggest inspirations and his book is enough to make anyone want to start their own business and make themselves a success. Duncan Bannatyne was a beach bum until the age of 30 and he suddenly decided he wanted to be a millionaire! This shows anyone can do it , whatever age, whenever they feel ready and when they have the confidence to do so! I will be writing a blog all about Duncan Bannatynes, his inspirational story and the amazing books he has written very soon. However you can buy his autobiography right now from Amazon via this link..

To start a business it only takes a few key points:

1) A business idea
2) Planning & Research (a lot of planning and research)
3) Registering as a business
4) Implementing your business idea

When starting your business it is a good idea to know how you want to get out at the end of it, this is to give you a goal to aim towards. Maybe you want to aim big and float your company on the stock exchange, or maybe you want to sell up in a few years when you've taken your business as far as possible or maybe you just want to hold on to your business and use it for the money it generates you. Whatever your decision it is good to have this in the back of your mind when starting your business so you have a final goal.

There are a huge number of business books and DVDs available to help you on your way. If you are truely interested in running a business I cannot stress the importance of reading, researching and learning from best before you take the step into your very own business. You will find a huge range of business books, especially autobiographies from top business people availalbe at I will be doing a number of blogs on my favourite business autobiographies very soon.

Monday 7 February 2011

The Desire To Succeed

When you look at the world and you look at the successful people in the world, people like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Lord Alan Sugar, Tiger Woods they all have one thing in common... an overwhelming desire to succeed. That desire comes can come from many different aspects of life, it can be to prove someone wrong, make up for a past mistake, being better than everyone else or simply loving the feeling of success.

I found my desire to succeed. It came from a failure at the tender age of 16 and for a young 16 year old you can get a bigger failure than failing your GCSEs. For me it was that simple, I passed one exam out of 9. I did not achieve the grades to get into sixth form and stay with my friends. I was definetly clever enough but all it  came down to was pure LAZINESS, so I left my school, without the guts to tell anyone I had failed. That day, that ONE day, was enough to change my whole life, I never wanted that feeling of failure ever again. I started a business course, retook my GCSEs, got the highest grades possible, moved on to an A level equivalent business course, again got the highest grades possible and from there went to university. Achieving top grades, having numerous qualfications, enjoying life and feeling SUCCESSFUL, this was where I wanted to be.

When I started university I had to maintain this work ethic, this hunger to be the best and to make people realise I was successful. University life wasn't for me, overcoming a failure so early in life matured me, I didn't need the lazy student life, drinking every night, lazing during the day, working at the last minute.

So I'm now 19, I'm doing my degree commuting from home to university, I recently started my own business to run alongside my degree. Ever since I was small I wanted to be my own person, I liked being different, running along a different track to everyone else and for the past few years I've realised all I really want is to run my own business and if possible my own business empire! I say 'if possible', but with my mindset and attitude I KNOW it is possible, this is the mindset I believe everyone should have. Whatever you want to do with your life, whether you want to be a sportsman, a businessman, actor or actress it is 100% possible if you believe you can do it and work hard at it.

I want you to go away after this post thinking about three questions...

- Have you ever had one big failure in life that changed you and your attitiude towards what you do?

- What is it you truely want to be in life? Whatever it is, it is possible.

- Do you have the confidence and the hunger to go out and be successful and achieve everything you have ever set out to achieve?

My desire comes from proving people I was never meant to be a failure, that what happened to me at the age of 16 was a one off. My desire comes from knowing one day I'll go back to my old school having become as successful as some of the top businessmen in the world today. That is my mindset, that is my desire, that is the mindset that should be used by everyone to get what they want.

For a book about motivation and success please read...

It is an unbelievably insightful book that will leave you feeling motivated and good about yourself.

Also if you are looking  to succeed in business and want to get knowledge from the best I cannot recommend anything better than Ricard Branson: Losing My Virginity. Entrepreneurial spirit at its best!